This week finds me in our Nation's Capital attending The National Conference on Volunteering and Service, a marathon 4 days of workshops, talkshops, plenary's, and more...
this is the "and more" |
I will be adding my two cents on Thursday when I, along with fellow disaster-ite Travis Gibson, will be presenting on empowering local response in disaster through expanded coordination models. An important topic given the growing participation of spontaneous groups following disaster, and a good audience given the over 200+ Hands On Network Affiliates who will be at the conference as well as more than a handful of State Commissions on Volunteering.
If my posting suffers it's probably because I'm in a baked goods induced coma...all they have to eat at these conferences are sweet treats.
I'm looking forward to all the things that come with attending an event of this magnitude (did I mention it was 4 days?), the people, the ideas, the possibilities, etc...and hope to post on one or two of them.
If you happen to be in, or call Washington, DC your home...let me know.
go get 'em, jer bear!